
2019 “As One” Canada Gathering


Canada Salutes: the King of Kings is here!

There was a deep desire that was birthed in Canada over 20 years ago. This was God’s desire to have one Family, and to have a dwelling place within and upon a nation.

Throughout this time, God has been graciously leading us on a family journey, despite our shortcomings and even despite our failures.

During this time in Ottawa, as one Family, we chose to recount our history, to celebrate our restoration as we fixed our eyes on our Heavenly Father, the faithful covenant keeper. God’s pleasure over the humility and the relational restoration of spiritual fathers and mothers in the land ushered a new day in Canada!

In Winnipeg back in 1999, stones were brought from all across Canada to make a memorial, as a remembrance of what the Lord was doing at that time. This time in Ottawa, 20 years later, these stones were arranged on the stage and were once again a witness to what the Lord is doing. There was a linking of the native peoples of Canada, all generations, many regions, and nations, each standing as a witness and bringing their own stones of remembrance to add their “yes” to the generations that have gone before them. Together it was declared that we will stand for God’s original plan for Canada, and we will abandon ourselves to whatever He wants.

There were a number of representatives from the nations, and as ambassadors of their nations together with the Canadian Family, we saluted and welcomed the King of Glory into the land of Canada. Germany presented themselves in humility, reminding Canada of her calling to bring new oil to the nations. Symbolically, they presented a “sword of the Spirit” to Canada that is active and alive; declaring that the Lord remembers and stands by the covenant He has made with the land. He has put His sword into Canada’s mouth, and she is called to release His heart and His Word to bring healing to the nations.

From lightening and loud thunder, to a beautiful double rainbow, God gave us these familiar signs of His pleasure over what He had done during the Gathering. He is faithful! Always faithful! To Him be all the glory!  

The Canadian Family was touched by all those who sacrificially came from other nations to stand with us, and by all those who prayed from home and joined the sessions “live” online. Thank you all so much!  


English, French



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